Article on the effect of masting on maple syrup production published in Forest Ecology and Management


The article Maple syrup production declines following masting was published online in Forest Ecology and Management on October 27, 2014.  In the article, I show with co-author Elizabeth Crone  that maple syrup production declines at the state-level in Vermont after mast years. This is consistent with mast-seeding leading to the depletion of nonstructural carbohydrates that are also the source for the sugar in maple sap that is boiled down to produce maple syrup. This intriguing idea piqued the interest of many. The New York Times wrote a story. New England Public Radio aired an interview in which I discussed the study. Northeast Public Radio also aired a story on their Earth Wise program. Lynda Mapes, science writer at the Seattle Times and Harvard Bullard Fellow wrote a blog post. Food Dive published an article spot-lighting the study. The Harvard Forest press release was also picked up by several news outlets including Tufts NowEureka Alert!Science Daily,, Genetic Literacy Project, Nature World NewsHealth Medicine Network, CABI Info Tree, Poughkeepsie Journal, and Open Science World. An earlier article on the same topics appeared in the Harvard Gazette.